Friday, July 11, 2008

My Complete Indian Fountain Pens Collection

I wanted to add a * fine print to the title but it seems blogger doesn't allow me to.... so... Ahem...!

This is my 'up to date' collection of Indian Fountain Pens ...

As I have maintained always, I am only interested in using Fountain Pens ( Ink Pens...) made in my own country..... India

I get very interesting reactions from people who come to know of my secret passion of owning all kinds of hand made fountain pens in India... Some are genuinely fascinated, some act fascinated and if somebody is a father/ wouldbe father, he thinks.... " Oh God...! Isn't this guy weird enough....?"

Okay... So these are the Ebonite Fountain pens I have collected till date.... The brands in order of appearance are:

1. Ratnam Jumbo ED
2. 2 Advocate Ebonite Pens
3. 1 Un Named Ebonite Pen
4. 2 Guider Ebonite Fountain Pens
5. 1 Prasad Fountain Pen ( Ground by myself to write as a stub nib pen...)
6. 2 Ratnamson Ebonite Fountain Pens
7. 2 Wality Pens Manufactured by the Airmail Pen Company (These pens are courtesy Mr. Rushabh Shah who was very generous of gifting them to me....)

Now, You might be thinking, Do I really need so many pens....????

Humm.... I have no answer to that.

Just like you don't have answers to questions like....

1. Do I really need the car which I own ( or I think that I own)....??
2. Do I really need the house which I own ( or I think that I own)....??
3. Do I really need the Refredgirator which I own...??

Oops.... Sorry.... Wrong examples.... The aforementioned are not the things you do for your own need.... Those are designed for the society...


I just wanted to showcase my completed collection of Indian Fountain Pens.....*

* Huh....! I can now hear my wife saying.... " That's what you have been saying for the last 7 months........!!!!"
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1 comment:

Suchita said...

Amazing collection of fountain pens, feels nostalgic, fountain pens were love, but as a child we never used to fill fountain pen ink